Battlefield Flag and Monument Policy
Battlefield Flag and Monument Policy
As approved during the 136st National Encampment Lansing, Michigan, 2017
WHEREAS, we, as the descendants of Union soldiers, sailors and marines and revenue cutter servicemen who, as members of the Grand Army of the Republic, met in joint reunions with Confederate veterans under both flags in the bond of unity.
WHEREAS, we, as members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War strongly condemn the use of any American or Confederate flag by any and all hate groups.
WHEREAS, we the members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War strongly condemn the removal, defacement or destruction of any Civil War Veterans Monument or tablet, whether Union or confederate.
WHEREAS, we, the members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, support the flying of all U.S. and C.S.A. flags at our National Battlefield sites and to be honored publicly in museums as our authentic archival documentation of our National past.
THEREFORE, we, the members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War are committed to teaching the history of the American Civil War in our educational system and ask that all descendants of Civil War participants join us in this endeavor.
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