Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Welcome to the World Wide Web home of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS). On April 15, 1865, as word of President Abraham Lincoln’s deathspread throughout the country, three Union Army officer friends met in Philadelphiato discuss the tragic news. Rumors from Washington of a conspiracy to destroythe Federal government by assassination of its leaders prompted the threeofficers to form an organization that could help thwart future threats tothe national government.
A mass meeting of Philadelphia veterans was held on April 20, 1865 topledge renewed allegiance to the Union and to plan for participation inthe funeral arrangements for the President. The Philadelphia officers, whoserved as an honor guard for President Lincoln’s funeral cortege,met again after the funeral was over to establish a permanent organizationof officers and former officers patterned after the Society of Cincinnatiestablished after the Revolutionary War. The name they chose, the MilitaryOrder of the Loyal Legion of the United States, first appearedin a notice calling a meeting on May 31, 1865 at Independence Hall.